We have a large collection of ecobricks at Tettenhall College, largely thanks to Mrs Burke, Miss Wilson and their Year 2 class from last year. They are passionate about wanting to reduce the amount of plastic that goes to landfill and ecobricks are one solution to this global problem.
Watch this space for a plan to build something on our TC site with this ecobricks, however in the meantime we wanted to put them to good use to raise some money for a charity.
The Charity Group came up with the idea of “Ecobrick Bowling”.
Both Prep School and Senior School pupils had the opportunity to participate in the activity and all pupils who successfully knocked down all 10 ‘pins’ (or ecobricks in this case!) went into a prize draw, with a fantastic brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 as the prize. The prize draw was carried out in Chapel this morning, and our winner is Trystan Beech from Year 8. Well done Trystan and thanks to everyone who joined in! We raised £155 in total from this activity and had lots of fun in the process. The Charity group nominated the charity ‘Humane Society International’ to benefit from these funds. This charity is one of the largest animal protection organisations in the world and the charity group selected this organisation in order to support its Disaster Response work in helping the animals affected by the Australian bushfires.
Categories: Charity