Tettenhall College Choir Perform at Disneyland Paris!

Posted: 2nd July 2015

This Easter, Tettenhall College Choir, having been chosen from many entries, wowed their audience performing on the brand new Royal Castle Stage, Disneyland Paris – the first choir to perform at this prestigious venue!

At the start of the Easter holidays, a group of 65 children, (aged 7-18), staff and parents are spent 5 days in Paris, the highlight of which was the concert on the new Grand Castle Stage in Disneyland, Paris.

This is the 5th time that the choir have been invited to sing at this very prestigious venue, which is a fantastic experience for the children, staff and parents.

This year is particularly special – rather than performing in the main concert venue, (the Videopolis) the choir were selected to perform on the newly rebuilt Grand Castle outdoor stage, right in the centre of the park as the first performers at this venue.

Disneyland organisers have said “Tettenhall College is performing on the day we will launch the Spring Festival Season, and will be the first group to perform on the rebuilt Royal Castle Stage. We thought it would be a great way to start with a wonderful Youth Choir”

Other days were spent sight-seeing and enjoying the wonderful city of Paris. There were visits arranged to Notre Dame, Sacré Coeur, the famous artists market at Montmartre, the Museum D’Orsay, the Eiffel Tower and a boat trip on the River Seine, as well as some time for some retail therapy!

Categories: Performing Arts

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